Consider CMI

A couple of weeks ago we had our CMI Board meeting. They asked us to share some things with you. November is the end of CMI's fiscal year and our contributions were significantly below budget — about $10,000. We depend on three areas of support to meet our budget: monthly gifts, one-time gifts throughout the year, and year-end gifts. This past year all three areas have have been down.

Maybe you've been influenced through the teaching or literature of CMI and would like others to also have this opportunity. There are three different ways you can make a difference:


We appreciate so much those who faithfully pray for us. When you ask about our lives and show concern, we sense you "bearing our burdens" and our concern is made lighter. Your seeking God along with us encourages us to trust Him and keep our eyes on Him. We know God hears the prayers of His children and we thank those who choose this personal ministry to us.

Monthly Support

We are asking the Lord to broaden our monthly support base to cover the monthly needs. Possibly our ministry through CMI has impacted you in some way. If you are not a regular donor please prayerfully consider partnering with us to accomplish God's work through teaching and literature.

One-Time/Year End Gifts

Rather than giving monthly, many people contribute one-time gifts during the year or year-end gifts, which is a tremendous help since we lack about $800 in monthly support. Maybe you would consider giving to CMI to help meet our budget needs.

God is the One who provides. He is the One who enables. But a method He uses is people — people like you to enable ordinary people like us to accomplish His plan. Thank you for your consideration of CMI.

And a special thanks to all who already partner with CMI and make it possible for us to minister. May God bless you for your love and care to us.

In His grace,
Dick & Kathy