Encouraging Words

From time to time we like to share some of the encouraging words we receive. Because of you we are able to be involved in ministry full time and we like you to hear the responses from others. You are an important part of lives being changed and we thank you. We appreciate so much your prayers and financial support.

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Recently an American Airline pilot ordered 100 copies of The Gift booklets to leave in hotel rooms. He sent us the picture above and said, “This is why I wanted those books! I’ve given away 4 already!” This is another great way to share this booklet to reach others for Christ! ~JC Fort Myers, FL

Thank you very much for the two books. I read The Gift and learned so much more in my walk with our Lord. Chapter four was especially informative for me.…That chapter helped me a lot. I look forward to reading Fishing for Men as our church is teaching more about discipleship…I am signing up for Clarity Trumpet and will share this booklet with my pastor. ~JC Miami, FL

I have recently discovered your website “clarity ministries” and I was deeply moved at the truth I discovered. For years I have been struggling to understand what is the nature of salvation? Am I saved, am I not saved? [In reading some] books I got very confused on this point. I came to the Lord in 1979 and what the fruit of salvation is supposed to be has for a long time been a point of some confusion. Your articles are helping me though to come to some sort of understanding…I just actually wanted to say thank you for all the materials you make available on your website. I am still working through all the articles and so far it has been very helpful. ~ST Johannesburg, South Africa